Products > IM Systems > High Speed IM System

Complete Turnkey System

The InCyt High Speed ImTM Imaging System includes everything needed for calcium and other single excitation and ratiometric fluorophore experiments. The system includes: an inverted epi-fluorescence/phase contrast microscope, low-light level integrating CCD camera, LED illumination system, image processing computer and data acquisition/analysis software.


The InCyt High Speed ImTM Imaging System was designed in a biomedical research laboratory by scientists for scientists. Menu selection appears in the sequence in which experiments are performed. Esoteric options that add complexity and are rarely used have been eliminated from the menus. The software follows standard Windows graphical-user-interface-protocol. The hardware has been tested for reliability and ruggedness, as well as, simplicity of set up and operation. New users can learn to use the system and be doing their first experiment in a few hours.

Data Collection, Analysis & Presentation

Data can be measured continuously on as many as 100 pre-selected regions of interest. The results can displayed in real time or images can be saved for post hoc analysis. Saved images can be played back as an animated sequence—ideal for analysis of sub-cellular responses, intercellular communication and heterogeneity among the individual cells in a population. Ion concentration within cells can be converted to color using standard or custom pseudo-color tables. Image sequences can be presented as a montage with user-defined annotation for presentation and publication. Data generated by InCyt High Speed ImTM are stored in a standard TIFF format and data files are stored as ASCII text.


Camera Module

Basler ac720-520um Monochrome Integrating 12-bit CMOS

with Binning Capabilities

Excitation Wavelength Changer

CoolLED pE-340fura LED light source with 340nm
& 380nm LEDs and a white LED which can be filtered
for visible light excitation

Image Resolution 640 x 480 pixels

Image Acquisition and Data Analysis Workstation
CPU Intel® Core i7 Processor
Hard Drives 512GB SS and 3TB SATA Hard Drives
Operating System Windows 11
Monitor Flat Screen Monitor

Data Capture and Display
Maximum Speed 20 ratiometric points per second
140 single-wavelength points per second
Object Definition Specify up to 100 user-defined regions for separate analysis
Data Collection Options (1) Graph ion concentration in each cell during experiment.
(2) Save images for later analysis and animated playback
Image Format TIFF
Data Storage Format Tab-delimited ASCII

Calibration From standard solutions or formula

Works with hundreds of fluorescent dyes for measuring:

Ca2+, pH, Na+, K+, Mg+2, H2O2, cyclic ADP Ribose, etc.

Data Presentation